I made this necklace for the Red Queen for Spring Into Dance!

These beautiful, gracious women...I aspire to be a mixture of them.

Mary Pickford was my celebrity look-a-like for Makeup class...I have come to adore her.

Beatiful girl.

Isn't this lovely? Glow in the dark things are the BEST!

Edward Gorey is one of my very favorite illustrators. I adore the macabre beauty!

Smart man, that Gandhi... One of my mottos.

I want to live here. Forever and ever.

In a fit of frustration with school, I went to the $5 sale at Urban Outfitters and bought this. Yessss.

I watched Stepford Wives for the first time the other day...I loved it because I love the idea and the clothing! But also terrified because I feel if I ever go nuts, I'll turn into the Glenn Close character!
And finally...

My beautiful, amazing, mint green bicycle!! (Which I hope to pick up sometime next week!)
So much happiness and love, despite craziness at school! And my birthday is in a week! YAY!
most pictures from weheartit
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